Sunday, August 17, 2014

Project 365, Week 33

Uncharacteristically, I wasn't "feeling" taking pictures this week.  In fact, one day I took none {gasp!}.  Still, I'm soaking up these days of having the kids around, being kids.  Life is sweet.

August 10
Aiden thinks Renna is SO cute and is so gentle and sweet with her.
 August 11
Girls night out on a lovely evening.  Thankful for friends who know my heart and a husband who can hold down the fort.
 August 12
One never knows how Aiden will wake up.  Often, he seeks me out to snuggle for a few minutes (more often after naps), other times he is full of swirling ideas that are just waiting to be implemented, such as a new lego design.  And then there is no time for "good mornings".  :)
 I drove an hour to drop off E at the DCF office to visit her bio mom.  We took her up the elevator (an adventure with four littles) and I was just going to let her go into the ratty closet visiting room herself, but she was insistent that we meet her mom and younger sister.  I stuck out my hand to greet her mom, but she threw her arms around me in a warm hug and thanked me several times for the note and pictures I'd sent with E the week before.  Wow.

Its a post for another time, but my views on and approach to the bio families have radically changed since we began this adventure.

It was emotional to be face to face with this woman in her business suit and heels, each of us with our three small children hanging off of and around us and just one thing setting me apart from her...God's grace, His unmerited favor.  My prayer each day is that she would meet the great Rescuer.
 August 13
These girls made cookies almost on their own.  They were also part of the cleanup crew.  :)
August 14
Shaun took Avery and Amanda to see Hillsong in Boston.  So sweetly, he was planning on it being a surprise and was including E and me.  Alas, she had a visit that evening so it didn't work out.  Points for the thought though!

August 15
Just crazy...middle of August, sitting around a campfire, I was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt.  Holding out hope for as mild of a winter as the summer we've had.
 Also kids + my sister's kids = enough people for a soccer game
August 16
Makeovers By Maddy....

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Is that Amanda or some teenager? :)

    I saw a little girl at the zoo on Saturday that reminded me of Renna. I would have gone up & asked, but she was a little younger - ha!


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